Working together

Family Dog Training

Family Training


Working together as a family

Training a family dog is different. You’ve got a busy household, multiple beings to look after and a zillion things to fit in every day.

You want to make sure that everyone is safe, happy and fulfilled, but how do you teach kids and dogs to understand each other and live side by side in harmony?

And how on earth do you manage those manic mornings when EVERYONE is screaming for your attention?


You need family dog training

Our Family Dog Training Programme is devised specifically to bring all members of your household into the fold so that everybody is singing from the same hymn sheet.

We’re here to inspire and communicate with kids and to make learning fun for everyone involved!

Your family will learn;

  1. How to interact safely with your dog
  2. What to do if your dog has something they shouldn’t
  3. Games they can play with their dog which builds their bond and keeps them both busy
  4. A lifelong understanding of how to be an awesome dog pal and advocate

Your dog will master the six essential skills to be a brilliant family dog.

You will discover how to juggle it all, without feeling pulled in a thousand directions.

So often with traditional dog training, the kids become the missing part of the puzzle. The grown-ups in the household have attended dog training classes, and they’re putting the work in… but there’s a disconnect.

Instead of having the beautiful budding relationship between your child(ren) and your dog that you dreamed of, there are battles for attention and worries about meeting everyone’s needs.


We are Game Changers

Training can be fun and relationship building, with cleverly designed games we teach dogs to think and make good choices, and we encourage them to work with you.


Empowering owners and dogs alike!

The most rewarding part of being a dog trainer is providing people with the tools that will make a difference during life’s rougher spots. When that happens, it’s a big win for everyone.

Our passion tends to be contagious. Once dog owners understand that what we’re doing is more than just training, it becomes their passion too! We’ve seen amazing progress with the dogs we have worked with, and seen owners’ outlooks change, too: and the result is a relationship that gets stronger and stronger with every session.

A refreshing approach on dog training with Allsorts Dog Training